Graduate and Posgraduate in Musical Arts + Master ViU


The Escuela Superior Musical Arts offers various postgraduate study itineraries along with the Master's degree from the International University of Valencia (VIU).

Through these, students will be able to nourish themselves with theoretical-practical knowledge acquired in the official itineraries of university master's degrees offered by the VIU, and take their artistic abilities with the instrument to the highest level thanks to the instrument master classes with the School's teaching staff. Superior Musical Arts.

Offered programs | Year 24/25

Applicaton to the program

Spring call: registrations until February 30, 2024

Winter call: registrations until August 25, 2024

Graduate and posgraduate programs

VIU + Musical Arts

In the official Master's Degree in Research, combined with the Postgraduate Degree in Performance thanks to the collaboration between Musical Arts and the VIU (Valencia International University), online research studies are combined with instrument and chamber music classes throughout the year. You will attend all theoretical classes online, so you will be able to settle in Madrid and enjoy the city's frenetic cultural agenda.

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online and in person

In these programs you will combine face-to-face teaching at Musical Arts Madrid of your instrument classes and masterclasses with completely online attendance to all the subjects of the VIU University Master's Degrees.

These master's degrees offer a unique university training experience, which puts technological innovation at the forefront. service of academic excellence, allowing you to take full advantage of the advantages of online education while maintaining the interaction, exchange of knowledge and support that we usually associate with face-to-face training.



Studying any of the graduate programs offered will greatly expand the employment possibilities of a young musician. The Research Master's degree issued by the VIU allows you to access teaching positions in any public conservatory in Spanish territory, as well as opting to complete a doctorate in a selection of Spanish universities.

Thanks to the practical itinerary of the Escuela Superior Musical Arts, students of any of the master's degrees offered will have a large number of performance opportunities, being able to hold concerts in some of the most iconic stages in the capital.

Graduate and Posgraduate in music research

Through this program, students will come into close contact with renowned figures on the national and international music scene. You will receive instrument classes from your main Musical Arts teacher while taking the center's Postgraduate Degree in Performance, as well as taking the Master's Degree in Musical Research from the International University of Valencia.

Itinerario de


Títulos de este itinerario

Máster Universitario en Interpretación e Investigación Musical | Especialidad Investigación
Por la Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Titulación de Posgrado en Interpretación
Por la Escuela Superior Musical Arts

Especialidades ofertadas · Curso 24/25

• Violín
• Viola
• Violonchelo
• Piano

Este programa combina actividades alojadas por la Escuela Superior Musical Arts (clases magistrales de instrumento), y las que suceden dentro del máster universitario de la VIU. Ambos itinerarios tienen un curso académico de duración, y al término de este, recibirás los títulos de Máster Universitario en Interpretación e Investigación Musical por la VIU y el Diploma de Virtuoso de la Escuela Superior Musical Arts.

Duración del máster

Un curso académico

Calenario de actividades

De septiembre a junio

Créditos anuales


Clases magistrales de instrumento

10h con profesorado VIU

25h con profesorado Musical Arts

Programas que componen el itinerario:

Itinerary of

music research

Degrees of this itinerary

Master's Degree in Musical Research | Research Specialty
With Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Graduate degree in music performance
With Escuela Superior Musical Arts

Instruments offered · Year 24/25

• Violin
• Viola
• Cello
• Piano
• Flute
• Oboe

Delve into theoretical aspects and research methodologies in music, while developing your skills with the instrument in this combined program between a Master's Degree in Musical Research, a research specialty, and the Virtuoso Diploma from the Escuela Superior Musical Arts.

• Clarinet
• Trumpet
• Horn

Profundiza en aspectos teóricos y metodologías investigativas en la música, a la vez que desarrolla tus habilidades con el instrumento en este programa combinado entre Máster Universitario en Interpretación e Investigación, especialidad investigación, y el Diploma de Virtuoso de la Escuela Superior Musical Arts.

Duration of the program

One academic year

Calendar of activities

From september to june




25h with Musical Arts faculty

Programs that make up the itinerary:

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You can also contact us at secretaria@musicalarts or at +34 913 45 89 41.

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